Monday, November 24, 2008

Living with True Joy

Yesterday at Delta we looked at John 16:16-33 and unpacked what Jesus taught about true, Gospel-centered joy.  Joy is intrinsicly different from happiness, as joy is not dependent on things that will ultimately fail or disappoint like people, things, or circumstances.  Too often people put too much stock into these things but just end up frustrated, easily agitated & angered, confused, depressed, and have no direction for their lives.  So the question is, how do you find true joy?  Here is the process I am working through:

-First, you have to jump deep into your sin.  You have to begin to see just how depraved and far from God you are.  This is not easy, and it's not fun by any means.  But it's a necessary first step.

-Second, as you jump deep into your sin, you must jump high into God's love and holiness that he has available to you through Jesus. The principle at work here is Luke 7:47 "...her sins, which are many, are forgiven - for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little." Jumping deep into your sin and high into God's love allows the cross to be really big in your life, which serves as an anchor for your joy.

*Intermission note:The above "jumping" illustration is borrowed from my friend Darrin Patrick who will be soon releasing this material

-Also, you need to get away.  You need to remove yourself from your regular context in order to gain a more objective outlook on yourself and your life.  Practicing the spiritual disciplines of solitude and silence are key in the process.

-Then, you need to get in God's Word.  I strongly suggest living in Romans chapters 5-8.  Read them.  Journal them.  Personalize them.  Journey with Paul as he dove deep into his sin through chapters 5-7 and then rose high into God's amazing love in Chapter 8.

-You also need to be honest with yourself and others.  Be specific when identifying areas of sin in your life and how you're feeling and living; you have to get it all out.  Part of this is also bring people who are mature and who love you on your journey with you.  These people will be those who are good spiritual peers (people in your community group, church, etc.) and people who are spiritual directors who can give you insight and direction (people who are in leadership or are mentors to you).

-Lastly, take advantage of godly, theologically sound, gospel-centered preachers, teachers, and authors. Soak up Gospel-centered resources.  I highly recommend the books "The Cross Centered Life" and then it's sequel "Living the Cross Centered Life" by CJ Mahaney.

Living a life of true, gospel-centered joy is a process that is difficult because our world doesn't have any idea of what true joy is.  Living in joy involves a transformation of your heart by first surrendering your life to Jesus as your Savior and Leader, and then changing the way that you think and view your life, because of the the great mercy that God has shown us.  

Blessings on your path to joy!

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