Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Great Nation of Texas

I'm currently in Dallas at the Depth Conference - - with all of the Acts 29 "superstars": Matt Chandler, Mark Driscoll, and Darrin Patrick.  It's been great so far.  Be sure to grab the audio when it gets posted on the Acts 29 website.

Best quote of the day so far has come from Matt Chandler (I'm actually paraphrasing): "I'm a Baptist, and a non-apologetic one.  I'm just a weird Baptist. We give to the Cooperative Program, we're Elder-led, I occaisionally enjoy a beer.  But I'm a Baptist, just a different one."  That was refreshing to hear, seeing as how I fit that profile.  I guess he gets to be more vocal about it because his church has grown from around 130 to 5000 in 6 years, is a tredmendously gifted teacher, and a movement leader.  And I'm nowhere near that...yet :-).


Chad Pearce said...

I loved the conference and if I could have renamed the conference I would have used the word humility. Thanks for the assessment. I would love to stay in touch.

Ryan said...

Hey Chad...

It was good meeting you. Let me know how I can serve you in the future.
