Monday, February 01, 2010

Biblical Marriage

There's lots of debate on marriage these days. Even though the permanency of marriage isn't valued very much, most people will get married. So what does the bible say about marriage? Here's few quick bullet points:
  • It is not good to be alone (unmarried) (Genesis 2:18)
  • We are made to marry (Matthew 19:4-6)
  • Marriage is honorable (Hebrews 13:4)
  • Prohibiting marriage is demonic (1 Timothy 4:1-3)
  • Finding a wife is finding a good thing (Proverbs 18:22)
  • Married people make the most ideal leaders (1 Timothy 3:1-12)
The bible is a very "pro-marriage" book because God is a "pro-marriage" God. Marriage is God's idea and creation for our good and His glory. Biblical marriage is a covenant - a God-ordained special promise that is witnessed, ratified, consummated, and remembered. Because of this, marriage is to be honored, respected, treated with dignity, and not gone into lightly.

We then have to ask what the purpose of marriage is. The best place to go to is Ephesians 5:31-32. The Apostle Paul makes a clear connection between marriage and Christ's relationship with the Church. CJ Mahaney defines the purpose of marriage as this: "Marriage between a man and a woman is meant to reflect the relationship between Christ and the Church.” This means two main things:
  • Marriage is to be God-centered. Marriage should not be centered on a spouse, a child, or a perceived need (comfort, sexual fulfillment, possessions, lifestyle).
  • Marriage is not about our happiness, but is for our holiness. No other relationship will confront selfishness and idolatry like marriage does. God's intention is for the marriage relationship to make his followers more holy and like His Son Jesus.
But what about things like romance, love, and sex? Where do they fit into the marriage conversation? Those things are very important! God gave us an entire book in the bible called The Song of Solomon to illustrate how important love, romance, and sex are in a marriage. But those are just not ultimate things about marriage. Marriage is "deep waters". And only when the "deep waters" of marriage are begun to be understood should a man and a woman humbly enter such a wonderful, sacred relationship.

Next up: Sex & Marriage


susan said...
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Ryan said...

Thanks. Pray that your & Erik's marriage grows deeper and deeper. You guys are a great couple.

Steve said...

You might find the following blogs of interest about C.J. Mahaney and the group he leads, Sovereign Grace Ministries:

They tell another side. Hope this helps.

Ryan said...

I am sorry that you and other have apparently been hurt by Sovereign Grace Ministries. I pray that you and those involved can fully believe the gospel, seek reconciliation, and find healing as opposed to actively criticizing everything, thereby allowing yourself and encouraging others to remain bitter and stay hurt. I find your links to be doing harm than help.


Steve said...


You are entitled to your own opinion.

I will say that the blogs have helped a number of people heal from the spiritual abuse they suffered while in SGM. Many of them found it good to know that they weren't the only ones that had problems with leadership even though C.J. Mahaney portrays his place as the happiest place on earth.

In order for reconciliation to happen both parties have to be willing. I don't see leadership in SGM having the humility to determine if they have done wrong and if so admit it let alone seek reconciliation with those they have hurt.

Here is a good example of SGM not really seeking reconciliation:

The story of what happened to the little girl is really quite sad.