Tuesday, March 03, 2009


So we've started this new series at Delta called "V6" that's talking about our 6 Values as a church: love, family, story, feasting, blessing, and missional living.  Ideally, every evangelical church would say that they're about the "Great Commission" and "Great Commandment" (ie., making disciples & growing disciples - although whether or not they actually do that is another thing entirely).  But what makes a local church unique?  It comes down to the values they live out.

Think about it.  A lot of churches value money or attendance or a good show.  Some value history and tradition (more than biblical faithfulness, unfortunately).  Some just value survival.  But aside from theological or ecclesiastical differences, it's the values that sets a church apart.

Have you thought about your personal or family values?  What makes you unique in how you live your life?  Are your values grown out of who God is and what His Word says, or simply out of your preferences?  I encourage you to take some time to define what your main 3-6 values are and where they come from.  Compare them to God and His Word.

Want a couple verses that highlight a few of God's values?  Check these out: Hosea 6:6 (quoted a few times by Jesus) and Micah 6:8.

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