Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Blog series to start the New Year off

So I think I'm going to start a new blog series for the upcoming weeks.  The series will be called "What is ___?"  I'll deal with things like: What is salvation?  What is biblical authority?  What is the atonement?  What is missional living?

So, if you have any suggestions, please let me know.  The idea is for these to be Cliff's Notes sorts of things...so my "answers" to the "what is" questions will be brief.

Also, I've begun a new blog directed specifically for Illinois church planters, that is to be a supplement for a new Illinois church planting network that I'm calling "Cloverleaf."  The blog's address is: www.cloverleaf-illinois.blogspot.com


1 comment:

Daniel said...

What is "The Kingdom of Heaven/God?"