Yesterday at Delta I preached on living a Trinitarian Life from John chapter 5. The basis for our entire Christian life is birthed in who God is; not from our preferences, traditions, or expectations from others. The reason that Jesus was in such hot water with the Jews is because he was proclaiming himself equal with God (John 5:18). The following verses go to show how God the Father and and Jesus are intimately connected, and specifically outlines two of Jesus' main roles in the Trinity, that of Savior and that of Judge.
Because God is Trinity, we find in Him the model for our lives as Christ-followers. So, a Trinitarian Life is:
Communal – specifically, family community
John 5:19 – As the God the Father and God the Son relate to each other as family, we are to do the same. We are adopted into God’s family as sons (Romans 8). Church leaders should run the church like a household (1 Timothy 3). Christ-followers should treat each other with the honor due to fathers, mothers, sisters, & brothers (1 Timothy 5).
John 5:20 – the Father loves the Son
Love is what motivates each and every relationship we have; because God is love, because He loved us first, and because he is love and has infused his love into us, we can’t help but love others. We show love by our commitment to each other, our sacrifice for each other, our accountability to each other.
John 5:20 – The Father shows the Son all that he is doing
How transparent is your life to your community of faith? How open are you with your friends here? How open are you in your community group? If you don’t let people in, your life will not transform as God intends for it to; as life transformation happens most often through relationships.
John 5:21-29 – Son is equal to the Father (v. 18), but has distinct roles to play
Jesus gives spiritual life & proclaims judgment; meaning eternal life is awarded to those who believe, and eternal death is awarded to those who do not believe. For us, this means that everyone stands equal before God – titles, position, or gender do not make us closer to God – but within that equality, we each have a distinct roles to play in life, marriage and in the church. Paul used the image of a body in 1 Corinthians 12 to illustrate this.
John 5:23 – we are to live lives that honor Jesus; our speech, actions, thoughts, attitudes, choices, relationships, finances, everything is to honor Jesus. Worship is so much more than singing…it encompasses your entire life. Our worship lifestyle is solely for God’s glory – the very heart of Jesus’ lifestyle of worship (John 17:1).
John 5:24-29 – to say that being a Christ-follower is a “personal relationship” is only saying a half-truth…it’s also a “communal relationship”. The Trinity is eternal…the Father, the Son, & the Spirit have always been and they always will be. When we place our faith and trust in Jesus, we enter into an eternal relationship not only with God, but also with other Christ-followers. Revelation 7:9-12 gives us a picture of this. If you have issues with other Christ-followers, especially with others in this room, you better get over it real quick, because eternity’s a long time to not get along!
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
9 hours ago
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