This past Sunday I preached on "Sabbath" at Delta, taking a topical look at John 5:9-17. It was chock full o' information; so here's a summary of the what, why, when, & how of biblical Sabbath. Enjoy!
Biblical rest is called Sabbath. Its origin comes from Genesis 2:1-3. God rested from his work of creation (not his work of maintaining & sustaining or else we’d cease to exist; see Colossians 1:17 and Hebrews 1:4). He did this to model and to create for us a rhythm for us to live our lives by. Jesus said in Mark 2:27 “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” It’s a gift that God has given us.
An official definition for Sabbath is: Entering into God’s rest by enjoying the fruit of His labor and the fruit of your labor.
Just as God created everything “very good” and then sat back and enjoyed his creative work…we are to do the same.
The phrase “entering God’s rest” comes from Hebrews 4:9-10. There are three phases of entering God rest:
1.Receive the Gospel – Deuteronomy 5:15
You remember God’s deliverance when you Sabbath (Jesus delivered us from the bondage of our sin).
2.Obey – Exodus 20:8-11
Observing a Sabbath is commanded; disobeying is sin. God had to make it a commandment, for if left to ourselves, we will work rest right out of our lives!
3.Rest in His Word – John 1:3
A proper Sabbath involves worshipping Jesus.
You will not be able to fully rest well, to truly Sabbath, unless you love and follow Jesus…you can’t appreciate the beauty of this world without a heart-knowledge of its Creator.
In speaking of “rest”; there are 2 main type of rest for us to do:
1.Physical rest. Exodus 23:12. We are to rest from the work of natural life (your job, housework, yard work, etc.)
2.Spiritual rest. Leviticus 23:3. A “holy convocation” literally means a set apart assembly of people. Gathering to worship is spiritual rest and renewal!
Taking a regular Sabbath has practical benefits, spiritual benefits, and missional benefits.
Practical Benefit: Relaxation
You get to relax your mind, heart, & body from the daily grind. When you relax, you actually get better sleep, more energy, your body is more healthy (increased immunity), you are more efficient, and you more emotionally stable.
Spiritual Benefit: Increased trust
Exodus 34:21. God has commanded us to rest even in the midst of our busiest work seasons! Too many of us honestly believe that we either have a red cape flapping behind us like Superman or sport bullet-deflecting bracelets like Wonder Woman. We think the whole world rests on our shoulders and if we don’t work ourselves to death, that our businesses or homes will crumble to the ground.
We need to understand that over-working is an idolatry issue. Either we’re looking to work to get our justification or we put own selves in the place of Savior for our businesses, bosses, or clients.
By taking a regular, weekly Sabbath you are practically placing your trust in Jesus to meet every need you have – including the needs of income, production, advancement, etc.
Missional Benefit: Witness
Exodus 31:17. By taking a regular Sabbath, enjoying God’s rest both physically and spiritually, you become a witness to the world. In our workaholic culture, taking a Sabbath is a very counter-cultural way to live the Gospel and model God’s Kingdom.
Our Sabbath is to modeled after God work of creation and his day of rest…6 & 1…work 6, Sabbath 1.
Does it have to be on Saturday or Sunday? What if you work in foodservice, and Sunday breakfast & lunch are your busy times? Does it have to be a certain day?
This is the issue Paul dealt with in Romans 14:5ff. Since the Sabbath was made for man and we have freedom in Jesus and conviction from the Holy Spirit…we get to pick whatever day works best for us. The point is to enter God’s rest properly.
There are 3 primary ways on how to Sabbath:
1.It starts in your heart
Matthew 12:1-8 (*v. 7). The Pharisees (the religious legalists) were just concerned about the outward acts of religion…the sacrifices that showed how spiritual they supposedly were. Jesus says it’s a mercy issue – a heart issue.
The big drawback for us in the 21st Century is electricity…we no longer live by natural rhythms (up at sunrise, sleep at sunset). We have 24 hr email, internet, TV, grocery, gyms, and fast food; one of the most popular TV shows today is “24”! When you Sabbath, turn off your phone, shut down the computer…if you watch TV, do it with your friends & family so it’s an act of community at least…but get out in God’s creation and get in touch with the Creator.
Do stuff you like to do, with people you love, for God’s glory. Take a nap, take a walk, play a game, go to a ball game, whatever. But whatever you do, do it for God’s glory - 1 Corinthians 10:31.
What are you to do now? Most of us need to repent because we don’t Sabbath, at least we don’t Sabbath well.
If you work all the time, repent of your idolatry. You take control of your life’s schedule, don’t let it take control of you. Ask yourself: How is my trust practically playing out?
If you rest all the time, repent of being a sluggard. If life is slow for you right now, find something to do like look for a job, volunteer, serve in ministry, or any number of things that would contribute to the needs of others or that would bless your city.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
17 hours ago
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