I'm currently up in Chicago for the Acts 29 Bootcamp...I'll write an update on that in the next day or so.
1 John 5:21 "Little children, keep yourselves from idols."
This past Sunday at Delta we explored idolatry. Idolatry is pretty much anything, anyone, any idealogy, any whatever in your life that takes the place that only Jesus deserves, which is #1. Theologian FF Bruce defines idolatry as:
“[Idols] are false conceptions of God. Any conception of Him that is at variance with His self-revelation in Christ is an idol."
When a person has an idol, he is pretty much settling for something immediate and accesible in order to find happiness and temporal fulfillment. It's basically reaching for something that very well may be good instead of going after what's best. For example, money is a good thing and does bring an amount of happiness to a person's life; but money will never bring the lasting joy that only Jesus provides. But things like money, possessions, relationships, etc are only "surface level" idols - the real idols are deeper. There are four of them:
Comfort – deepest desire is to escape stress, and have freedom
Sensory driven; look to “feelings”…people find comfort in food, possessions, no accountability. If you typically feel bored, comfort may be your deep idol because there’s no risk in your life
Approval – deepest desire is to be affirmed, accepted
Relational driven; look to people…find approval in relationships, respect, lack of conflict. If you typically feel fearful, approval may be your deep idol because you are terrified of rejection and being alone
Control – deepest desire is for self-discipline, certainty, maintaining standards
Authority/mastery driven; self driven, but impose your control on others…find control in your schedule, independence, religion/irreligion. If you typically feel worried, control may be your deep idol because deep down you know you can’t control everything
Power – deepest desire is to succeed, win, be influential
Achievement driven; find power as you’re in charge, your ideology/cause/race/culture has power. If you typically feel angry, power may be your deep idol because you’re just ticked off that there are others in the world that have more influence than you do
The surface level idols are sign posts to the deep idols. And how do you defeat these idols? Paul simply tells us to "flee" from them (1 Corinthians 10:14). But we need to run with purpose and toward a goal: the person of Jesus Christ and his word. Jesus overcame idolatry when tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:8-10). Here are some scriptures to run to in your quest to defeat your idols:
If you have a Comfort idol, take comfort in these truths:
Jeremiah 31:13
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
If you have an Approval idol, find your approval in these truths:
1 Thessalonians 2:4
Hebrews 11:6
Ephesians 2:4-5
If you have a Control idol, remember who is really in control;
2 Corinthians 5:14
Galatians 5:22-23
2 Timothy 1:7
Hebrews 2:8
If you have a Power idol, remember the source of ultimate power
1 Chronicles 29:11
Mark 14:61-62
Acts 1:8
2 Corinthians 10:3-4
God desires for you to have the best - and that's Jesus; not any cheap imitation. Don't settle for cheap happiness...go after true joy.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
23 hours ago
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