Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Being a True Fan

I'm reading this book called "Tribes" by Seth Godin that given to me by my friend Dave.  One thing that he points out in his book deals with the idea of being a "true fan" regarding the leader, mission, or philosophy of the particular tribe that the fan is a part of.  He credited the idea from Kevin Kelly.  Godin (and Kelly) define a "true fan" as someone who buys anything you produce (especially pre-releases & limited editions), will drive 200 miles to hear you sing, buy the t-shirt, the mug, and commemorative pin.  Some fans are really easy to identify like Elvis fans, sports teams fanatics, and given the time of year, Christmas junkies (the ones with the gaudy decorations & bad sweaters and listen to nothing but Bing Crosby for a month).

This got me thinking: what does a "true fan" of Jesus look like?  Is it simply "consuming" all things Jesus from cross necklaces, worship music, bumper stickers, and books?  Or is there more to it than that?

One point that Kelly makes on his blog is that once a person/movement reaches 1000 "true fans" they can make a living because they have a stable base of consistent support.  This got me thinking of my church, Delta.  While I think we have a small number of "fans" and an even smaller number of "true fans", there are lots of people out there that would be a "fan" of what we're seeking to do here in Springfield; which is simply connecting disconnected people by loving God, transforming lives, and changing the world.

Here's what I think a "Fan" of Delta looks like: 1) believe in our vision & mission; 2) they spread the word about us & what we're doing (promotion); 3) they follow our progress (through our website, blog, Facebook, etc.); and 4) they create more fans.

But what about "True Fan"?  True fans: 1) financially support Delta; 2) attend & become a member at Delta; 3) serve at Delta; 4) lead at Delta; 5) bring people to Delta.

I think 2009 will be a great year for Delta.  Part of it I think will be building our "fan base".  What would happen if Delta got 500 fans and 100 true fans this year?  I think we would see the Gospel kick into overdrive here in Springfield.  You see, it's not necessarily about growing a big church, but it's about being a part of a bigger movement - the movement of Jesus Christ invading the hearts of people far from him with his love here in Springfield.  What could be better than that?

Here's what you can do now to advance your "fan-dom":
1. If you're local, come hang out with us on Sunday mornings or midweekCommunity Groups.
2. Follow this blog.
3. Follow me on Twitter.
4. Join our Facebook group.
5. Join our Google Group.

Grace & Peace...have a great Christmas this week! (of which I am a big fan of!)

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