Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stories of Transformation

We took some time going through our mission statement for Delta the first few weeks of September.  We spent a week on "Loving God", then "Transforming Lives", and finished with "Changing the World".  The second week was particularly powerful, as at the end of the service our worship team played through 'Amazing Grace' and our people filled out cards that read "I once was ______________, but now I'm _____________" as they reflected on the transforming power of the Gospel in their lives.  They then posted their cards up on some posterboards as acts of worship.  The following list is a sample of the cards that were filled out.

I once was an unlovable mess, but now I’m loved.

I once was filled with fear, but now I’m filled with love.

I once was selfish and lived for myself, but now I’m a servant and find joy in meeting other’s needs.

I once was lazy and sluggish, but now I’m active with a goal.

I once was alone, but now I’m surrounded with love.

I once was unforgiven & lost, but now I’m forgiven & found.

I once was confused, but now I’m hopeful.

I once was not telling my friends about God, but now I’m doing it more.

I once was a wretched sinner, but now I’m a saved sinner.

I once was prideful & bossy, but now I’m learning to let Jesus be the boss.

I once was trying to be in control, but now I’m letting go.

I once was guilty, but now I’m free.

I once was scared, but now I’m confident.

I once was empty, but now I’m full of love & hope.

I once was abandoned, betrayed, & lost, but now I’m treasured, loved, & redeemed.

I once was terrified, but now I’m hopeful.

I once was hopeless, jealous, joyless, & restless, but now I have purpose, hope, and a Christ who is sufficient.

I once was timid, but now I want to be bold.

I once was all alone, but now I’m feeling at home.

I once was self serving, but now I’m serving others.

I once was unconfident in myself, but now I’m confident in Christ.

I once was fake, but now I’m real.

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