- "We are the church." This was the umbrella statement for the whole series. Like 1 Peter 2:9 and Acts 2:42-47 reveal to us, "church" is an identity, not a destination.
- The "Upward" Movement. "The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever." This is the famous first confession of the Westminster Confession of Faith, and describes Delta's first movement: Glorifying God. John 17:1-5 shows us that glorifying God is God's main concern about Himself, and was Jesus' main concern while on earth. Everything about our lives personally and corporately must be filtered with God getting glory, and not us. This is most publically seen in our weekly Worship Gatherings.
- The "Amongst" Movement. "True community is created, defined and driven by the Gospel." This is the key phrase for Delta's second movement: gospel communities. We unpacked how Delta is in fact a "community of communities." The Community Groups of Delta are practically people's "immediate church", for in those environments is where everyday care, encouragement, connection, growth, learning, discipline, and mission happen. John 17:6-19 show us Jesus' plan for the community that He created.
- The "Outward" Movement. "Ordinary life lived with gospel intentionality." When we talk about the third movement - engaging culture - we talking about living missionally. And this mean not trying hard to be "cool" or "hip" but simply going about your regular everyday activities with purpose - to bring those outside of your gospel community inside your gospel community. Jesus clearly laid out his desire for this to happen in John 17:18-26. And this is not to be done solo, but in community - Jesus never once in his prayer in John 17 prayed for an individual, but always for community; for it is in community that mission is most strong.
To listen to the sermons from the "Movement" series, subscribe to Delta's podcast on iTunes.