It all has to do with the word I just used: connection. The only way people change - and I am meaning how people overcome sin patterns, addictions, become more holy, bear for fruit of the Spirit, and generally become more like Jesus - is through being connected. But connected to what? More specifically, connected to whom?
First, there is no way you can change without being connected to Jesus through the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. You see, when we believe in Jesus, we are given the Holy Spirit who lives in us, regenerates us, and basically makes us a brand new creation. Connection to God the Father, through God the Son, by the power of God the Spirit is primary when it comes to our transformation.
Secondly, there is another connection needed on more practical levels. What I've seen personally in ministry for the last 16 years and what I see the bible teaching is that we need to be connected to other Christ-followers. By submitting ourselves to community (spiritual leaders and spiritual friendships), we allow others to speak into our lives for encouragement, support, teaching, correction, confrontation, accountability, and disicpline. This is where we see scripture come alive regarding Acts 2, Romans 12, Ephesians 4, Galatians 6, and Hebrews 10 and 13. God has given us the Church (other believers, who have the same Spirit in them, by the way) to sharpen us to help us grow.
My time with Aaron today, and the time I spent on the phone with another church planting friend on the phone on my way to Chicago, reminded me of the importance of being connected together, with our foundation of Jesus, in our journeys of growth.
So, are you connected? First, to Jesus? Second, to other Christ-followers? It is your only hope for change.